Ten In The Back and Walk Away
Two gentlemen in Florida were having a disagreement. When one man broke off the engagement and walked away, the other man shot him ten times in the back. The wounded man even begged the gunman to stop shooting. Anger and guns don’t mix. The kicker is that in Florida,...
From Custer to Calaveras’ School Mascot
In the late 1950s, my father and I stood in the middle of a cotton patch. We were surrounded by an eclectic group of fellow pickers, all dragging the same long canvas sacks. My dad could fix anything with pliers and baling wire but he couldn’t fix the race issue. As...
Margaritas, Mexicans and Missing Gratitude
What are we really celebrating on Cinco de Mayo? Other than my daughter’s birthday, of course. May 5th is not when Mexico celebrates its independence day. That biggie is September 16th. I was in Puerto Vallerta on Cinco de Mayo once celebrating my retirement with a...
A Long Way From Darfur
Like charity, most things begin at home. And right now our society is in the throes of a homegrown epidemic. Celebrities like George Clooney have the money and notoriety to get the sickness splashed in front of millions of people internationally. His commitment to...
The Thing is…
Oh, the horror. As I write this column we’ve been four days without an internet connection. It’s the rain. Still, there are benefit’s to this periodic outage. I almost said “outrage” but the AT&T techs are always kind and patient with our frustration. Also, I’ve had...
Is it Hillary Time?
Okay, we’ve tried victorious war generals. We’ve tried wealthy businessmen and representatives from the oil industry. My question is right out of the movie Fight Club; how’s that working out for us? None of our leaders have been perfect because perfection is something...
Does “Our Future” have a Future?
I talk about my grandkids a lot so let’s talk about our grandkids. They’re not mindless little rug-rats that drain our energy. They’re not stupid. They hear, see, understand and retain more than any of us give them credit for. We call these little folks “Our Future”...
Money and Morality Make Strange Bedfellows
“I say that you ought to get rich, and it is your duty to get rich…The men who get rich maybe be the most honest men you find in the community. Let me say here clearly…ninety eight out of one hundred of the rich men of America are honest. That is why they are rich....
Sally’s Mouse Safari
Sally wasn’t the most likely person to go on a safari. A rail-thin homemaker with bright red Lucille Ball hair and a bad habit of chain smoking which had to contribute to her skinny physique, she never really consciously planned to take a life-altering trip. In fact,...
What’s Up With All These Pickup Drivers?
When we got back from Germany in late 2013 something was hooked in my brain. The barb finally pulled loose one day on Highway 49. I looked up and my rearview mirror was filled with a pickup logo. I guess I just wasn’t going fast enough for the gentleman behind me....
Jerry Tuck