The Death of Shame
With all apologies to the creators of “Hair”), not to mention The Fifth Dimension, I have a habit of humming “It is the dawning of the Age of Hypocrisy” as I watch the news. I’m writing this obituary in advance because it appears that Shame is on life support. The...
Should Tourism, Like Charity, Begin At Home?
Last summer my grown son and I took a two-week R.V. road trip to Mount Rushmore. The area is a sightseeing paradise and I loved every foot of the 3,000 miles round trip from San Andreas to the Black Hills. According to Statista, on online research outfit, tourism...
My Sister’s Keeper
Whenever I see the word “keeper” I invariably think of bee handlers and the bible. The old phrase “My brother’s keeper” was supposedly Cain referring to his brother, Abel. I’m more interested in Eve, their mother who supposedly allowed sin into the Garden and caused...
Archie Bunker Trump Wins an Emmy
I’ve changed my mind about Donald Trump. Early on I really believed that the best way to deal with Herr Donald was to ignore him. I even refused to type his name. For an egomaniac, any attention is just another log on his rally bonfires and I wanted to withhold his...
Respect is a Two-way Street
A friend whose family is almost entirely employed in law enforcement shared a video on Facebook. A young female student was not obeying orders. The end result was a policeman twice her size picked her up and slam her to the floor. The poster’s family began the lament...
Extra, Extra, Freedom for Sale
Some may say this column is me biting the hand that feeds me. I don’t take money for bombarding the Enterprise readers with my opinions and I am eternally grateful for this valuable outlet. I appreciate and respect anyone who gets the news out. They work hard, long...
Fear of Farming
I’m not a pot smoker. I’m not a pot farmer. What I am is a concerned citizen. I also vote. And, like a lot of us, I’m scared. Approaching 70, I understand how easy it is to frighten seniors. 2015 lasted about a month. Technology is growing exponentially. Our political...
Nature Abhors a Vacuum
Driving back from another grandkids fix, “Under The Dome” (the novel not the TV show) began to creep into my subconscious. The novel shows what happens to a rural community when a huge dome comes down over it. The humans inside find they are not equipped, mentally or...
Merle, Dolly and The Boys
A while back the gentleman behind the counter at Sender’s Market in Mt. Ranch, asked me about my T-Shirt. I explained that it was just the logo for an L.A. punk band. “There’s only two kinds of music for me,” he said, “country and western.” I countered with, “And...
Does Football Build Character or Characters?
If Hank Williams, Junior is still asking his annual question, my answer is “No, I’m not ready for some football.” For me the opening of NFL season, all professional sports, really, is just Business As Usual. What concerns me more than millionaire adults playing a...
Jerry Tuck